L/O: to practice a 20 mark question for General Studies exam based on case study material.
As part of the case study exam, you will be asked questions on the materials provided (you will have a copy of the materials in the exam, you cannot take your class copy in the exam). You will have a variety of question styles. Today we are looking at the 20 mark question.
In answer to this question you should refer to all the Sources (1 to 4) as well as using your own knowledge.
In a fair society people accept that when they have rights they also have responsibilities.
Discuss the arguments for and against being free to say whatever you like on social media.
You might consider:
- The right to express your own opinion
- Responsibilities for your actions/comments
- Why others might want to restrict your rights.
Explain your reasons.
- Make initial notes, bullet points are fine at this point.
- What points from your own knowledge do you want to include? Think of at least two.
- Find points/quotes from each source (include at least one from every source for higher marks)
- Look for points/quotes that cover the bullet points of the question (the areas to consider)
PEEL technique
- Point - make your point
- Example - back it up with own experience, quote from stimulus material or figures
- Explain - how does the example answer the original question/point
- Link - use the language of the question and reiterate the point.
Level 5 (17-20 marks)
- Selects from source material with considerable precision
- Discriminates well between important and less important material
- Draws conclusions in a clear and logical way
- Offers personal judgements supported by detailed evidence drawn from a wide range of areas
- Demonstrates additional research where appropriate
- Analyses and evaluates clearly and concisely
- Extends and develops points – always with clear aims
- Communication displays a high degree of accuracy.
Level 4 (13-16 marks)
- Clear analysis of the facts and well-informed personal opinion.
- Makes full use of relevant supporting material
- Selects with precision from pre-released material and introduces and links material from elsewhere
- Information is clearly presented and simple for the general reader to understand
- Contains clear conclusions drawn from a range of relevant material and based on clear analysis
- Spelling, punctuation and grammar is largely accurate.
Level 3 (9-12 marks)
- Some cross-referencing of material – linking ideas in different documents. Answers in this band should draw clear comparisons and not simply give isolated facts.
- Clear evidence of reorganisation of material with personal opinion beginning to be expressed
- Information is presented clearly and simply with some illustration of points
- The answer should contain clear conclusions, though these may be in the simplest form
- Spelling, punctuation and grammar is reasonably accurate.
Level 2 (5-8 marks)
- Selects some relevant material
- Attempts to use stimulus material and/or own ideas
- Examples are frequently undeveloped
- Some evidence of reorganisation of the material provided and/or of additional material
- Draws relevant simple conclusions
- Communication is likely to be unclear and contain a number of errors.
Level 1 (1-4 marks)
- Simple interpretation/selection of source material.
- Basic level of organisation of material – probably in the order in which it was presented
- No real development of points
- Communication may well be weak with numerous errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar.
0 marks
- No relevance to question
- Not attempted