Monday, 24 February 2014

whole life prison sentences

This week court of appeal ruled that judges could sentence offenders to whole life prison sentences for the most heinous crimes committed in the UK. Do you agree with this?

use the following resources to help your argument. Remember to use the Peel Technique.

Monday, 3 February 2014

PEEL Technique - Citizens owning guns in USA

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades

Todays Question:

US four-year-old shoots child dead

Last month, a four-year-old girl shot and killed her four-year-old cousin in what authorities in the US city of Detroit call a tragic and avoidable accident.

Read more:

Describe the arguments for and against citizens owning guns in the United States.

In your answer, you might want to talk about:
  • Protection
  • Responsibility
  • Laws
  • as well as your own ideas.
Include 2 PEELs for advantages and 2 PEELs for possible problems, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)

  • A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
  • A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
  • Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
  • A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
  • A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
  • Examples used but not explained.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
  • A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
  • Answer is unclear and example not used.
  • Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
  • A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
  • No examples used.
  • Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.

PEEL Technique - Eco School

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades

Todays Question:

In the last year, Wildern has been focussing on how to reduce litter and increase the amount of recycling at school.

Describe the advantages of taking these two issues and any possible problems associated with trying to reduce litter and increase recycling.

In your answer, you might want to talk about:
  • Pollution
  • Energy
  • Attitudes/opinions
  • as well as your own ideas.
Include 2 PEELs for advantages and 2 PEELs for possible problems, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)

  • A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
  • A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
  • Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
  • A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
  • A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
  • Examples used but not explained.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
  • A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
  • Answer is unclear and example not used.
  • Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
  • A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
  • No examples used.
  • Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.

PEEL technique - Takeaway Foods

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades

Todays Question:

Takeaway foods are popular with many consumers. It was once just a treat for the weekend, but a new survey has found that the average Brit now forks out £110 per month on takeaway meals every month.

Explain why consumers choose to buy takeaway products instead of making the food themselves.
Explain some of the disadvantages of takeaway foods.

In your answer, you might want to talk about:
  • Cost
  • Convenience
  • Nutrition
  • as well as your own ideas.

Include 2 PEELs for reasons why people eat takeaway foods and 2 PEELs for disadvantages, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)

  • A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
  • A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
  • Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
  • A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
  • A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
  • Examples used but not explained.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
  • A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
  • Answer is unclear and example not used.
  • Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
  • A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
  • No examples used.
  • Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.