Todays Question:
Takeaway foods are popular with many consumers. It was once just a treat for the weekend, but a new survey has found that the average Brit now forks out £110 per month on takeaway meals every month.
Explain some of the disadvantages of takeaway foods.
In your answer, you might want to talk about:
- Cost
- Convenience
- Nutrition
- as well as your own ideas.
Include 2 PEELs for reasons why people eat takeaway foods and 2 PEELs for disadvantages, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.
18 marks available
Level 5: (PEEL)
Mark Scheme:
- A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
- A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
- Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
- A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
- Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
- A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
- Examples used but not explained.
- Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
- A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
- Answer is unclear and example not used.
- Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
- A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
- No examples used.
- Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.
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