Sunday, 18 May 2014

General Studies Exam Information

Information about the 2014 General Studies exam

Monday 9 June - Case Study exam
Wednesday 18 June - General exam

Friday 6 June - Case Study exam
  • 11m/Gs1 with Mr Cullen : 10-11am (P2) in room 676
  • 11m/Gs2 with Miss James : 10-11am (P2) in room 680
  • 11n/Gs1 with Mr Nicol : 2-3pm (P5) in room 678
  • 11p/Gs1 with Mrs Reid : 12.20-13.20pm (P4) in room 211

Tuesday 17 June - General exam
  • 11m/Gs1 with Mr Cullen : 10-11am (P2) in room 676
  • 11m/Gs1 with Miss James : 10-11am (P2) in room 680
  • 11n/Gs1 with Mr Nicol : 10-11am (P2) in room 678
  • 11p/Gs1 with Mrs Reid : 9-10am (P1) in room 211

General Exam Past Papers:
June 2013:
June 2011:
Case Study Exam Past Papers
June 2013:
June 2012:
June 2011:

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Case Study Exam: 20 mark question revision

L/O: to practice a 20 mark question for General Studies exam based on case study material.

As part of the case study exam, you will be asked questions on the materials provided (you will have a copy of the materials in the exam, you cannot take your class copy in the exam).  You will have a variety of question styles.  Today we are looking at the 20 mark question.

In answer to this question you should refer to all the Sources (1 to 4) as well as using your own knowledge.

In a fair society people accept that when they have rights they also have responsibilities.

Discuss the arguments for and against being free to say whatever you like on social media.

You might consider:
  • The right to express your own opinion
  • Responsibilities for your actions/comments
  • Why others might want to restrict your rights.
Explain your reasons.

  • Make initial notes, bullet points are fine at this point.
  • What points from your own knowledge do you want to include? Think of at least two.
  • Find points/quotes from each source (include at least one from every source for higher marks)
  • Look for points/quotes that cover the bullet points of the question (the areas to consider) 
PEEL technique
  • Point - make your point
  • Example - back it up with own experience, quote from stimulus material or figures
  • Explain - how does the example answer the original question/point
  • Link - use the language of the question and reiterate the point.


Level 5 (17-20 marks)

  • Selects from source material with considerable precision
  • Discriminates well between important and less important material
  • Draws conclusions in a clear and logical way
  • Offers personal judgements supported by detailed evidence drawn from a wide range of areas
  • Demonstrates additional research where appropriate 
  • Analyses and evaluates clearly and concisely 
  • Extends and develops points – always with clear aims 
  • Communication displays a high degree of accuracy. 

Level 4 (13-16 marks) 

  • Clear analysis of the facts and well-informed personal opinion. 
  • Makes full use of relevant supporting material 
  • Selects with precision from pre-released material and introduces and links material from elsewhere 
  • Information is clearly presented and simple for the general reader to understand 
  • Contains clear conclusions drawn from a range of relevant material and based on clear analysis 
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar is largely accurate. 

Level 3 (9-12 marks)

  • Some cross-referencing of material – linking ideas in different documents. Answers in this band should draw clear comparisons and not simply give isolated facts. 
  • Clear evidence of reorganisation of material with personal opinion beginning to be expressed 
  • Information is presented clearly and simply with some illustration of points 
  • The answer should contain clear conclusions, though these may be in the simplest form 
  • Spelling, punctuation and grammar is reasonably accurate. 

Level 2 (5-8 marks)

  • Selects some relevant material 
  • Attempts to use stimulus material and/or own ideas 
  • Examples are frequently undeveloped 
  • Some evidence of reorganisation of the material provided and/or of additional material 
  • Draws relevant simple conclusions 
  • Communication is likely to be unclear and contain a number of errors. 

Level 1 (1-4 marks)

  • Simple interpretation/selection of source material. 
  • Basic level of organisation of material – probably in the order in which it was presented 
  • No real development of points
  • Communication may well be weak with numerous errors in spelling, punctuation and grammar. 

0 marks

  • No relevance to question
  • Not attempted

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Case Study Exam: 6 mark question revision

L/O: to practice a 6 mark question for General Studies exam based on case study material.

Outcome: You will have developed answers for an example 6 mark question using the PEEL technique and case study material.

As part of the case study exam, you will be asked questions on the materials provided (you will have a copy of the materials in the exam, you cannot take your class copy in the exam).  You will have a variety of question styles.  Today we are looking at the 6 mark question.


Source 4 reveals some concerns about having privacy laws for social media.
  • Using information from Source 1 and Source 3, explain to what extent you think such concerns in Source 4 are justified.

PEEL technique
  • Point - make your point
  • Example - back it up with own experience, quote from stimulus material or figures
  • Explain - how does the example answer the original question/point
  • Link - use the language of the question and reiterate the point.


Level 3 (5-6 marks)
Cross-referencing, developed points and conclusions

Level 2 (3-4 marks)
Some development of points

Level 1 (1-2 marks)
Simple undeveloped points

0 marks
No relevance to question
Not attempted

NB A candidate who does not use Sources 1 and 3 should usually be awarded the lower
of the 2 marks in the appropriate mark band.

Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Case Study Exam: 4 mark questions revision

L/O: to practice 4 mark questions for General Studies exam based on case study material.

Outcome: You will have developed answers for two 4 mark questions using the PEEL technique and case study material.

As part of the case study exam, you will be asked questions on the materials provided (you will have a copy of the materials in the exam, you cannot take your class copy in the exam).  You will have a variety of question styles.  Today we will look at the 4 mark questions

  • Using Source 2, identify and explain two answers people gave to the question “Why do you comment online?”  (4 marks)
  • Using Source 1, identify and explain two reasons why people would troll others. (4 marks)
PEEL technique
  • Point - make your point
  • Example - back it up with own experience, quote from stimulus material or figures
  • Explain - how does the example answer the original question/point
  • Link - use the language of the question and reiterate the point.


Level 1 (1-2 marks)
Simple undeveloped points (identification only)

Level 2 (3-4 marks)
Some development of points

0 marks
No relevance to question
Not attempted

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Freedom of Speech Vs Trolling

L/01 To understand what freedom of speech is
L/o2 To identify the difference between freedom of speech and trolling

Freedom of Speech Vs Trolling


Last week on Daybreak TV Curtis Woodhouse, a former footballer turned boxer, came face to face with a person who had been trolling him.

Task 1

Find information and facts as well as your own opinions on the following questions:
  • What is freedom of speech?
  • Is trolling freedom of speech?
  • Should you be able to always speak your mind online?
  • What are the boundaries?
  • What online laws are there to protect people?
  • Find three examples where freedom of speech online has been cited in the news

Task 2  

Create an account with 

When signing up type A NAME OF YOUR CHOICE as your organisation. 
Use your school email and choose a password. is an online whiteboard where you can organise you ideas and research.
  • Add your answers to the questions above
  • Add images to support your answers
  • Add videos to support your answers
  • Add websites to support your answers

Choose three pupils in your class to invite to view your room. Invite them by their school email.

Log on to your school email and accept invitations,  you can now use their murals for revision too. 

Post on your blog what you have done and remind yourself where your revision is for this topic.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Freedom of Speech - what does it really mean?

Research and create a revision tool for yourself, find information and facts as well as your own opinions on the following questions:
  • What is freedom of speech?
  • Should you be able to always speak your mind?
  • What are the boundaries?
  • What laws are there to protect people?
  • Find three examples where freedom of speech has been cited in the news

Why do people troll?

Look at the comments ... why?

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Trolling - What is it?

L/01 To understand what trolling means
L/02 To understand the consequences of trolling


What is trolling? Open up your blog and give your own definition, do not copy and paste from the internet?

Some people believe that the word derives from a fishing term for towing bait behind a boat? What does this analogy mean?


Create a presentation on the topic of trolling using one of these techniques:
  • Movie
  • Podcast
  • Prezi presentation
  • Animation
Make sure you answer the following questions:

Monday, 24 February 2014

whole life prison sentences

This week court of appeal ruled that judges could sentence offenders to whole life prison sentences for the most heinous crimes committed in the UK. Do you agree with this?

use the following resources to help your argument. Remember to use the Peel Technique.

Monday, 3 February 2014

PEEL Technique - Citizens owning guns in USA

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades

Todays Question:

US four-year-old shoots child dead

Last month, a four-year-old girl shot and killed her four-year-old cousin in what authorities in the US city of Detroit call a tragic and avoidable accident.

Read more:

Describe the arguments for and against citizens owning guns in the United States.

In your answer, you might want to talk about:
  • Protection
  • Responsibility
  • Laws
  • as well as your own ideas.
Include 2 PEELs for advantages and 2 PEELs for possible problems, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)

  • A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
  • A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
  • Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
  • A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
  • A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
  • Examples used but not explained.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
  • A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
  • Answer is unclear and example not used.
  • Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
  • A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
  • No examples used.
  • Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.

PEEL Technique - Eco School

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades

Todays Question:

In the last year, Wildern has been focussing on how to reduce litter and increase the amount of recycling at school.

Describe the advantages of taking these two issues and any possible problems associated with trying to reduce litter and increase recycling.

In your answer, you might want to talk about:
  • Pollution
  • Energy
  • Attitudes/opinions
  • as well as your own ideas.
Include 2 PEELs for advantages and 2 PEELs for possible problems, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)

  • A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
  • A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
  • Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
  • A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
  • A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
  • Examples used but not explained.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
  • A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
  • Answer is unclear and example not used.
  • Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
  • A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
  • No examples used.
  • Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.

PEEL technique - Takeaway Foods

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades

Todays Question:

Takeaway foods are popular with many consumers. It was once just a treat for the weekend, but a new survey has found that the average Brit now forks out £110 per month on takeaway meals every month.

Explain why consumers choose to buy takeaway products instead of making the food themselves.
Explain some of the disadvantages of takeaway foods.

In your answer, you might want to talk about:
  • Cost
  • Convenience
  • Nutrition
  • as well as your own ideas.

Include 2 PEELs for reasons why people eat takeaway foods and 2 PEELs for disadvantages, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)

  • A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
  • A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
  • Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
  • A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
  • A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
  • Examples used but not explained.
  • Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
  • A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
  • Answer is unclear and example not used.
  • Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
  • A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
  • No examples used.
  • Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.

Sunday, 19 January 2014

Government Internet Surveillance

Last year Theresa May has said it is "essential" that intelligence agencies have greater access to communications data following the murder of off-duty soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich.

Should the government be able to monitor internet activity to keep you safe? 

Today's question

Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the government having access to your communications online?

You may wish to consider:
  • Terrorists activity online
  • Keeping teenagers safe online
  • Finding criminals online
  • Human privacy rights
  • as well as your own ideas


Communication Data Bill

How will the proposed surveillance laws work?

Canadian government plans to fight Cyberbullying

Police monitor paedophiles communication online

Government demands action on web safety

New law to for government to monitor you online

Surveillance in Society - Parliment Acts
Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)
•   A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
•   A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
•   Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
•   A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
•   Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
•   A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus material and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
•   Examples used but not explained
•   Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
•   A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
•   Answer is unclear and example not used.
•   Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
•   A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
•   No examples used
Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammar and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

Celebrity Privacy

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades



Should the use of fully autonomous weapons be banned

Should the United Nations draft a global treaty outlawing the use of fully autonomous weapons?

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades


Campaigners against the development of fully autonomous weapons, known as "killer robots", have urged the United Nations to draft a global treaty outlawing their use.
Professor Noel Sharkey, from the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, travelled to Geneva to lobby members of the Convention on Conventional Weapons.
It will vote on Friday on whether it should consider imposing a moratorium on unmanned weaponry.
Mr Sharkey told the BBC's Today programme that the launch of pilotless planes like the US navy's X-47B moved the world a step closer to the deployment of fully autonomous weapons.
It made aviation history in July by successfully landing on a aircraft carrier, without any human involvement.
Related links

Todays Question:

Should the United Nations to draft a global treaty outlawing the use of fully autonomous weapons?

Explain the pros and cons. In your answer, you might want to talk about: (click link to find out more)

as well as your own ideas.

Include 2 PEELs for advantages and 2 PEELs for disadvantages, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)
·                     A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
·                     A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
·                     Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
·                     A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
·                     Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
·                     A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
·                     Examples used but explained
·                     Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
·                     A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
·                     Answer is unclear and example not used.
·                     Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
·                     A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
·                     No examples used
·                     Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.