Thursday, 16 January 2014

Should the use of fully autonomous weapons be banned

Should the United Nations draft a global treaty outlawing the use of fully autonomous weapons?

L/O: to refine exam technique for 18 mark style questions by using the PEEL writing technique to enable you to reach your target grades


Campaigners against the development of fully autonomous weapons, known as "killer robots", have urged the United Nations to draft a global treaty outlawing their use.
Professor Noel Sharkey, from the International Committee for Robot Arms Control, travelled to Geneva to lobby members of the Convention on Conventional Weapons.
It will vote on Friday on whether it should consider imposing a moratorium on unmanned weaponry.
Mr Sharkey told the BBC's Today programme that the launch of pilotless planes like the US navy's X-47B moved the world a step closer to the deployment of fully autonomous weapons.
It made aviation history in July by successfully landing on a aircraft carrier, without any human involvement.
Related links

Todays Question:

Should the United Nations to draft a global treaty outlawing the use of fully autonomous weapons?

Explain the pros and cons. In your answer, you might want to talk about: (click link to find out more)

as well as your own ideas.

Include 2 PEELs for advantages and 2 PEELs for disadvantages, and a PEEL for your own opinion in conclusion.

18 marks available

Mark Scheme:
Level 5: (PEEL)
·                     A well-argued discussion, using stimulus or own ideas effectively showing understanding and evaluation.
·                     A variety of points are discussed showing understanding.
·                     Text will be readable and spelling, grammar & punctuation almost faultless.
Level 4: (PEE)
·                     A developed answer with good attempt to use stimulus material or own ideas, showing clear understanding and evaluation.
·                     Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show considerable accuracy.
Level 3: (PE)
·                     A reasonable answer with some attempt to use stimulus matieral and/or own ideas, but lacking understanding and knowledge.
·                     Examples used but explained
·                     Text will generally be legible and spelling, grammar and punctuation will show reasonable accuracy.
Level 2: (P)
·                     A limited answer with little use of stimulus or own ideas.
·                     Answer is unclear and example not used.
·                     Text may have occasional problems of understanding and spelling, grammar and punctuation will be fairly accurate.
Level 1:
·                     A very basic answer with limited knowledge.
·                     No examples used
·                     Text will be difficult to read and spelling, grammer and punctuation may be inaccurate to cause problems with understanding.

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