Sunday, 5 January 2014

Energy Saver

L/O: to practice answering section B exam questions, using the PEEL technique
L/O: to be able to fully explain different ways to save energy

Using the stimulus material given to you, find the answers to the following question:

  1. What word or phrase is used for the period of ten years?
  2. Identify three concerns which industry has about the increase in future energy costs within the UK.
  • Research - you have 15 minutes to do some research on the topic of energy saving, suggested areas include:
  • different ways to save energy - both individually and nationally
  • facts & figures about energy saving
  • impact of energy saving  
  • You may create a research document, no longer than one page of A4 which can be printed at the end of the 15 minutes.
  • Share some ideas on the research gathered, can you add anything to your own document?
  • If you want to, print out your research document (no more than one page each) - you will not have access to your computer for the rest of the lesson.

MAIN TASK - Section B question - worth 10 marks

Use the PEEL technique in your answer
Point - make your point
Example - back it up with own experience, quote from stimulus material or figures
Explain - how does the example answer the original question
Link - use the language of the question and reiterate the point.

e.g. What advice would you give to Ross' parents to help ross overcome his weight problem?

You need to change the meals you eat as a family.  Take favourite meals and change them into healthier versions, for example instead of burger & chips, try grilled steak with baked potato and a large salad.  This is not only filling but contains 4 of the elements that make a balanced diet (vegetables, carbohydrates, protein & fats).  This will help reduce the amount of fat Ross is eating and therefore will help him to lose weight.



Urgent steps need to be taken to tackle climate change. The earlier action is taken, the more effective it will be. If we want to hand on this world to our children in a fit state, we must do something about our emissions and climate change. Over 40% of current CO2 emissions are caused by the choices we make as individuals. Simple actions can save money and energy; and there are many things you can do to reduce your CO2 emissions. The UK Government has recently published a range of materials available to the general public stressing the need for increased awareness and action.

Explain what actions a UK family could take within the home to save energy and to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions that they produce.
  • Include a minimum of 3 fully explained actions (PEEL) for full marks.
Using the mark scheme below, what mark would you give yourself for the work you have completed today? Write this on the back of your work and add a note explaining why you think this.

Mark Scheme
  • 8–10 Provides a well-argued discussion. Uses the stimulus and/or includes own evidence to show understanding and relevant knowledge. Communicates ideas clearly and accurately and shows good evaluation. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are almost faultless.
  • 4–7: A developed answer with some attempt to use the stimulus material and/or own evidence. Communication of ideas and evaluation are reasonably good. Spelling, grammar and punctuation are reasonably accurate.
  • 1–3: A basic answer with very little evidence of use of stimulus materials or own ideas. Lacks understanding and relevant knowledge. Communication is weak. Spelling, grammar and punctuation may impede understanding.

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